Contact with an old friend of the Wizard!

I'm sorry it's been a while since my last post. I don't really know how to get started trying to find a mythical figure, and I'm kind of landlocked right now. I want to get an RV as soon as possible and travel to the Sonoran desert, the last known location of the Wizard.

However, I recently received an email from someone claiming to be an old friend of the Wizard, and his message not only pans out but also verifies a story that was just a rumor before.

He refused to allow himself to be named, but as I've done before with names I feel need to be kept private, I will use the initial E.. He had been a missionary to China for many years and had just been expose to Reddit when he found the stories and recognized C-, the person I believe to be the Wizard..

E. claimed that when he was a junior in high school, he had a classmate that was constantly in trouble and seemed to be hated by the administration of his Accelerated Christian Education school. This would seem to coincide with what I know of him from seminary. He befriended this person, and soon found out why everyone hated him... he was secretly a Wizard, even though in his external life he acted like an evangelical Christian for fear of his family and community disfellowshipping with him.

One of his teachers had even planted pages of a Satanic Bible in his personal Bible to try to get him kicked out of the church.

It soon turned out that children from the local church, among other places, were going missing. The word among parents (as is common with Evangelicals) was that it was a cult. It actually turned out to be.

C- told E- that he had been tasked by several parents to try to find and help their kids, without telling the pastor. He had been investigating on the streets and heard that someone described as having a "bullet hole in his chest, and one in the side of his head" was teaching kids magic tricks that seemed far more unusual that the common sleight of hand. The word on the street was that this guy was showing them how to levitate, light candles with their minds, and heal their injuries.

One of the kids came home one day, and C- and E- interrogated him. They found a cross of confusion (an upside down cross with a hook like a question mark at the bottom) carved into his upper arm. He verified the stories, although he said he couldn't perform the feats he'd learned in front of them.

Shortly afterward, he disappeared again.

E- claims that he and C- traveled to an old ruin located in Newport, Rhode Island, and found the place where the boy claimed they were levitating... a second floor balcony to which the stairs had collapsed. They climbed up into the balcony and found an altar covered in blood and bones they couldn't identify. E- says they photographed it and delivered the evidence to the local police, although he claims there was never a formal investigation because certain members of the police force were active members of the cult. C-'s hypothesis was that the cult may even have been a callback to the Golden Age of Newport, when the rich and famous kept lavish mansions there.

He was afraid that meant it was connected to higher powers. Hammersmith Farm in Newport was owned by the Kennedy's at one time.

C- apparently took E- on a type of "Snake Road" trip of his own, during which E- claims he saw the souls of children wailing in Hell in the branches of a tree. He prompted E- to say what he called the "Idiot's Prayer..." asking God to show him that the supernatural was real.

After this, E- claims he only went out with C- one more time. After this, things got too real, and he's lived his life afraid to tell these stories to anyone ever since.

He claims they went to the ruin one night at the full moon to catch a ritual in the act and protect any children that might be in danger. They never even got there.

E- says that faces began to appear in the bushes telling them not to go any farther. When they got to a certain point, there was a loud crack sound, and then insane laughter filled the air. Both C- and E- felt something running toward the woods toward them, and although they couldn't see anything they felt it was very near. Immediately, and simultaneously, both ran away.

As they were running, E- says he felt something touch him on the back, and he fell. He heard C- call his name, and then he also fell. He later told E- he felt something grab his leg, and it went numb and fell out from under him.

All the children returned home shortly afterward. They were all sent to a Christian cult rehabilitation program in (oddly enough) Virginia several times. They continued disappearing, and eventually, all of them were lost for good.

E- says C- came home several times from college, but wound up living on an egg foam crate under his sister's kitchen table, as she was the only person who would take him in. C- confided in E- once that his brother-in-law had taken him out one day and told him "If you ever do any of that evil wizard shit in my house, I'll kill you." He talked to him a few times, but lost contact with him after he was exiled from seminary, which E- didn't know about until he read it in this blog.

This doesn't help in the search for the Wizard, but it certainly corroborates the story that he took down (or at least tried to take down) cults when he was 17.

Please believe me... the Wizard is definitely REAL.


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