My Experience with the Night of a Thousand Hells

This story was uploaded to NoSleep by me the day after the original investigation post was made to NoSleepOOC. It was taken down, understandably, because I didn't have the OP's permission to use his story. However, this is, as I say quite explicitly in the text, a real story that I really experienced myself, and is therefore in fact my OC as well.


Hey everyone. I thought I'd post some of my experiences with ESPER here. I want it to be understood, however, that this is related to my investigation into a NoSleep series that I believe may be real (see my post on NoSleepOOC here), and this is not a fictional story.

In no way is it to be thought that this is supposed to be a NoSleep. I know the rule is to normally believe that this is all true even if it isn't, but I am sincerely writing this not to continue the original ARG/stories, or to capitalize on the success of another NoSleeper by rehashing his stories, but genuinely to help prove once and for all that this NoSleep series was, at least in part, real.

It is my intention to use a lot of characterization and facts to try to weed out people who may really have been involved, and I'd also like people who were involved in the original series to come out of the woodwork as well to try to help. I will still be keeping my use of proper names to a minimum, although, if I use a name, it will be a real one. I won't use full names, to protect the identity of these people on the internet, but I want them to know who they are and come forward.

...Please, please come forward.

Anyway, this is my interpretation of the story called the Night of a Thousand Hells, originally posted by /u/capnjammer80 about five years or so ago. Again, I am not reposting this for karma, I am posting this because I was there too and I want everyone to know it was absolutely real... I may not be the first to tell this story, but this story IS REALLY my OC that I actually experienced. My recollection may not be as exciting as OP's since I wasn't in the front lines that night, but it's still a hell of a story. ...

It all started around Spring of 2000, at Atlantic Baptist Bible College in Chester, VA. The President at the time was Dr. James, who was generally disliked, although I understand they had just had one who everyone loved, along with a dean everyone loved that was kicked out for bogus sexual charges and replaced with two straight-up dickheads, both somehow named Glenn R..

One of the students had apparently been suspended for a quarter for listening to the song Johnny B. Goode (over Spring Break), but everyone talked about him in whispers like he was some kind of superhero. There was even a girl there named Cheri W. who seemed to be in love with him even though she had never met him.

This student's name I'll just refer to as C. The reason he was such a legend was because another student, his best friend G, and their group of "followers" that people referred to as "The Funk Club," had been telling stories about him... about how he had healed several people by touching them, about how he had once hypnotized a person in simple conversation to tell him a very private secret, how he could build fireworks and explosives and robots, how he had worked to uncover child-stealing cults in Newport, Rhode Island and Manchester, New Hampshire, and how he had performed an exorcism on a doll that had somehow become demon possessed and came off the wall to attack him and G with a knife.

The reason so many people respected him and G, however, wasn't because of the miracles they were both supposedly able to perform, but the famed Snake Road trips. I'll tell you about mine in a future post, but for right now, let me give a simple explanation: C and G would take two people they felt they could trust in C's yellow Plymouth Reliant, which he had named "Betsie" and who the student body collectively referred to as "The Yellow Submarine." (G, if I remember correctly, drove a maroon Thunderbird, 1991, I think, also called Betsie as an inside joke)

They would drive them to a place called Snake Road, really called Old Mill Road (update: a Redditor looked this up and said he thinks the road may actually be called Ruffin Mill Road, although the map he showed me didn't look quite right), I think in Midlothian, VA, and if a certain streetlight burned out as they drove under it, they would take the recruits on a drive down that road and explain to them, in detail, how every supernatural thing they've ever heard about is true. Really, really terrifying things would always go down on those trips, and everyone who I know of who ever did them came away believing in the supernatural 100%.

Now, I was just a freshman at the time. I was dating this girl (I shouldn't really say dating, she was kind of friendzoning me) named Charity. The rules of the school were really strict, and we could only talk after 10PM by passing notes in a special "Night Mail" box, we had to have one more girl than guy on every outing, and we could only sit or stand at arm's lengths from our girlfriends (none of this is really necessary information, but I'm trying to prove to anyone else who went to the college that I went there too).

Now, I was roommates with C my second quarter, and he was quiet and shy and always had lots of guests. (I should say, however, when engaged, he was very intelligent and charismatic... he just didn't much like being engaged) They were a generally cool and chill group who laughed a lot, but they also were really secretive all the time, and sometimes disappeared for long periods of time or instead of their normal banter in the center of the cafeteria they would take their food to the corner and speak in whispers.

This group could be up to twelve people sometimes, but the core group were C, G, and their original two "recruits," B and D. B had been a missionary to Tanzania with his parents, and D was just a chill stoner-style kid (who never actually smoked, as he was an evangelical Christian like most if not all of the people at the school). I think I heard that B is back on the mission field now and tries never to talk about his experiences at seminary, and I really think D may have killed himself.

Now, I always used to see shadow people when I was a kid... like, ALWAYS. It stopped for a while, but after my first few weeks into my third or fourth quarter, when C was no longer my roommate, I started seeing them again. Big Time.

It was around this time, when these shadow people started getting really bad, and I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone, that C and G were (not to my knowledge at the time) researching the Siberian Sounds From Hell broadcast on the Art Bell Coast to Coast AM show. I heard later that they had tried to use a spectrograph to find out how many individual sounds there were, and found it to be unusually many, but in the end they agreed it was a hoax. However, in this time the Sounds had made their rounds among the on-campus students, and their religious fears got the best of them. I heard later the "official" Funk Club explanation for the events that occurred over the course of that month were a sort of Tulpa created by religious minds afraid of the Satanic-inspired sounds, but given true life by their fear and possibly a passing entity that inhabited that energy and used it to manifest.

It doesn't matter that the sounds were fake. The events reported in the original NoSleep were all absolutely true. In the month leading up to The Event, doors would open on their own, people would see shadow people with red eyes traversing the halls or poking their heads through doors or windows, the bathroom stalls would all move around in synchronization or point at you or slam shut or open (or back and forth, I'm told), there were horrible smells of death and sulfur all over the dorms, particularly in G's room, and everyone had a general feeling of fear, unease, and being watched all the time, particularly at night.

As this was going on, my Shadow People sightings were out of control... I saw them everywhere. There are two particular instances when I experienced something others had seen as well:

-First, I was walking in the hallway one night, and felt a definite presence directly behind me, so close I could feel and hear it breathing. After a while, I started to hear footsteps behind me, and started to run for my life. When I got to the bathroom, every stall door slowly opened, and then all of them slammed shut, and I swear I saw this giant, tall, skinny monster reflected in the mirror the first time I looked at it. Someone else (I think Aaron) was in one of the stalls and told me he had just gotten there under the same circumstances.

I was literally crying in that bathroom stall, sitting down to pee so I could cover my eyes and just sob.

A few minutes later, there was a commotion and some screaming. I'd never ever been so scared that some horrible shit was going to go down in my life. Four guys came in, and they were friends of mine (although for the life of me I can't remember who they were, but two of them I think were named Brian), so I pulled up my pants, opened the door and looked out.

They were all coated in something gross. I forgot to tag this NSFW, but with that, I think you can guess the substance. There was a lot, and they were complaining that it was freezing cold. The story was that they had all been lying in their separate bunk beds talking when suddenly all of them got a "black spot" in their vision (one claims to have gone completely blind for a second or two), one said "what's that," and then they all realized the vile substance was on them and ran to the bathroom together to get it off.

-The next instance was one night when I was walking out in the woods with Charity and another friend named Olivia. I swear I freaked the girls out because I jumped ten feet in the air. We passed the very well mentioned in some of the backstory of the Ransom Saga, and in the woods deep behind it was that same creature I'd seen in the bathroom mirror. In the bathroom, he'd looked like a spider almost, legs and arms easily ten feet long each, body scaled to match, bent at the waist to fit in the room. Now he stood about fifteen feet tall, and I could see his face, just a black area, like the rest of his body made of solid blackness and thick smoke, but with two glowing red eyes and an obvious smile that split out both sides of his face. Once I saw him, without telling them what I saw, they looked in the direction I looked and then also started freaking out. Neither of them wanted to talk about it later.

-I also later heard that a high schooler who had come for one of those "College Days" things had been sleeping in a bottom bunk and had been pulled halfway into the wall, and that same day, bare children's footprints were found on the ceiling of that room.

So, after having those experiences, I felt like I needed someone to talk to. I talked to my friend Jerrod (everybody loved Jerrod, he was a big fat kid with a happy face and glasses and a cute sister who worked as the college registrar), and he introduced me to G. From there, G tried to introduce me to C, but I had already met him.

They told me that things were getting crazy, and that they would talk to me soon, but that for the next couple weeks I should "duck and cover." Strange things kept happening to almost everyone in the dorm, and the stories flew around like crazy. The admin of the college got us all in the hallway one night and called a moritorium on talking about anything supernatural, even studying it from the Bible.

I didn't have long to wait, though. Not long after my initial contact with G and C, the Night of a Thousand Hells happened.

Now, I know this story has already been told, so I won't be too wordy in this part, but I will tell you exactly what I saw, as I remember it. Again, remember, I wasn't in the front lines.

Almost everyone in the dorms was studying for finals (in the Quarter system ABBC used, we had week-long classes with midterms on Wednesday and finals on Friday) in the student lounge, and then moved to the study room in the dorms after it closed. I remember it being unusually dark and uncomfortable-feeling that night. Two guys, Bubba and Marshall, were wrestling, and all of a sudden, Marshall, standing in the middle of the room, grabs his arm, and we all hear a loud CRACK, and he falls to the floor screaming. His entire humerus was touching the ground. It had somehow gotten shattered when no one was touching him.

We all waited for emergency services to take him away and then went and had prayer meetings in our rooms for him. An hour later, while most of the rooms were still praying, we all heard the same crack over and over and over again, starting soft and then getting crazy loud.

We were the last room on the left end of the hall. The last room on the right was G's room. We left the room, and G's roommates were barring the door to the room with their bodies.

"What's happening?" we said.

They told us that something had G, a black spirit that they were convinced was almost certainly the Devil himself. It was holding him down in his bed.

They all stepped back from the door, and when they found it undisturbed, they all looked at each other, and Aaron said "Let's go get C, he knows about this stuff." Everyone agreed, and they ran off.

Now, let me say, at this point, I looked over to the study area and saw G sitting there reading, not paying attention to any of this.

They went all the way to the last room on the right on the opposite end of the hallway and banged on C's door. He opened, and they talked to him, and he immediately came striding down the hall, like he was mad, roommates in tow.

My friend Will, the dorm supervisor, came out of his room.

"Hey, get to bed, you guys," he said, but then the group told him what was up. He rolled his eyes and went to the room. He turned the door handle, went paler than usual, said "Nope, good night, y'all" and walked straight back to bed.

C walked to the door and waved his hand around the doorknob a bit. At this point I lost track of what was going on as everybody in the room thronged him. He opened the door and walked in.

The second he walked in, I saw his head raise almost up to the level of the top of the door. It freaked me out so much that for some reason I actually ran towards it to help grab him and pull him down. I didn't get a hold of him, though, but everyone else did, pulled him out of the room, and slammed the door shut.

But I swear, in that moment before the door slammed shut... I'm honestly not just saying this.... I swear to you, this is the absolute truth, and if we can actually find some of these other real people who experienced it I can prove to you I'm not just telling a story here... I saw Him.

Before he had only been a mist... but I swear the Tall Smiling Man was in that room, completely physical, bent over G's bed. He turned as the door closed, faced me, and smiled even wider.

C walked into the study area for a bit, holding his head, shaking it, and gaining his composure. He seemed to be saying something under his breath. At the time I thought it was a prayer, but now, in light of certain information, I think it may have been an incantation.

The others opened the door and went in... like, all of them. I followed, leaving C behind, even though he called out "Wait!" before we all entered.

The room was freezing cold, and the lights still seemed off. I couldn't really see anything, but I could make out the outer edges of the giant black shape that filled the far edge of the room near the window at the foot of G's bed.

Me and a couple others were among the first to get to G's bed, and somehow, he was actually in it, even though I swear I had seen him sitting in the chair next to the microwave in the study room only a minute ago. He was wrapped up in a blanket and seemingly out of his mind.

We pulled him out, left him with others (including C) in the hall, and went back in like idiots. I swear I only did it because everyone else did, in the rush of the moment.

After a minute, C stormed in. "Get out, you idiots!" But none of us did. I recall Bubba opened his Bible and started reciting the 23rd Psalm, "Yea tho I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death," but C walked over to him and barked something at him I didn't hear. In some of the stories I've read online, the character Ian McDermott is reported to have gone up to the character that was doing this and quoted back the 119th Psalm: "Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee," and in the NoSleep he told him the entity wouldn't care about some words he was reading out of a book if they didn't actually mean something to him.

After a while, G came in to a room full of people praying and screaming insults at invisible creatures and waving their hands like a bunch of Charismatics (which we weren't). He and C huddled together in the corner for a second, walked to the middle of the room, nodded at each other, and then C simply stepped forward and said, in a loud and commanding tone...

"We've had enough of you. In my authority I command you to begone." (The NoSleep has it a little more humbly, as OP claims simply to have told it under his breath to go away)

Immediately, everything was set aright. The students prayed joyously, sang songs, and celebrated, but I noticed C and G slipped out, left the building, and disappeared.


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