Front Matter

Before we get to the issue at hand, let me link you to the original post on Reddit's /r/NoSleepOOC that prompted the creation of this blog.

What you are about to read may shock and frighten you...



That is what the people I will, for the time being, refer to as C and G told me, and it's with a heavy heart I pass it on to you. Every terror, every nightmare, every awful thing you've ever heard about really exists on some plane of existence.

And C and G tangled with many of them and won.

The story contained within this blog is one about the experiences I had at Atlantic Baptist Bible College in the early 2000's, the link they share to a story that popped up on Reddit's /r/NoSleep in 2013, and the events surrounding a mysterious Redditor with a hometown that doesn't exist, a story about an adventure that spirals into insanity, dimensional travel and the Mandela Effect, and the possibility that two real Wizards with the ability to alter reality... and maybe save or even destroy all of us... may exist in the world today.

It also bore an apocalyptic message that any one of us could be responsible for ending the world at any time.

So join with me as I begin an investigation into the mysterious case of the Redditor Whose Hometown Didn't Exist.


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