
Showing posts from July, 2018

The original story

Sometime around 2013, a post appeared on Reddit's /r/nosleep by a user called /u/capnjammer80 called 'My Hometown Doesn't Exist." He described finding out one day that the town he had grown up in,  Ransom, Virginia, didn't exist, and leaving his normal life and job as though compelled to go investigate. The story stayed on the front page of NoSleep for a while, and eventually became a series known as "The Ransom Saga." OP describes the terrifying supernatural experiences and visions he has on the road while driving there, and commenters begin offering advice and researching the story so far... ...oddly enough, most of the information they come up with corroborates OP's story, and they find the likely site of Ransom. Once OP arrives at the town, at different points he finds it abandoned and ruined, run down, and relatively new-looking and populated,  but by people acting very odd. OP draws a map overlaying a Google Map of where the...

A Timeline of Events

Before I get very deep into this, I wanted to make one post containing all the information that makes me believe beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is, in fact, a real NoSleep story. It's done in the form of a timeline of all the information we have to date. Early 1990's: a haunted house event takes place that makes a young boy begin to feel supernatural activity constantly. In the stories, this person is called Ian James McDermott. In real life, I met this person many years later in seminary, and I knew him as C. 1997: C begins attendance at Atlantic Baptist Bible College in Chester, Virginia. He does not reveal his gift. By now, however, he has been studying the paranormal, supernatural, occult, magick, theology, demonology and angelology, world religions and apologetics against them, psychology, stage magic, music, computer programming, art, martial arts (he and several others used to spar with live swords in the woods behind the school), and a number of other ...

My Experience with the Night of a Thousand Hells

This story was uploaded to NoSleep by me the day after the original investigation post was made to NoSleepOOC. It was taken down, understandably, because I didn't have the OP's permission to use his story. However, this is, as I say quite explicitly in the text, a real  story that I really  experienced myself, and is therefore in fact my  OC as well. __________________________ Hey everyone. I thought I'd post some of my experiences with ESPER here. I want it to be understood, however, that this is related to my investigation into a NoSleep series that I believe may be real (see my post on NoSleepOOC here ), and this is not a fictional story. In no way is it to be thought that this is supposed to be a NoSleep. I know the rule is to normally believe that this is all true even if it isn't, but I am sincerely writing this not to continue the original ARG/stories, or to capitalize on the success of another NoSleeper by rehashing his stories, but genuinely to help pr...

Front Matter

Before we get to the issue at hand, let me link you to the original post on Reddit's /r/NoSleepOOC that prompted the creation of this blog. ... What you are about to read may shock and frighten you... EVERYTHING YOU HAVE EVER HEARD ABOUT IS TRUE. Everything. That is what the people I will, for the time being, refer to as C and G told me, and it's with a heavy heart I pass it on to you. Every terror, every nightmare, every awful thing you've ever heard about really exists on some plane of existence. And C and G tangled with many of them and won. The story contained within this blog is one about the experiences I had at Atlantic Baptist Bible College in the early 2000's, the link they share to a story that popped up on Reddit's /r/NoSleep in 2013, and the events surrounding a mysterious Redditor with a hometown that doesn't exist, a story about an adventure that spirals into insanity, dimensional travel and the Mandela Effect, and the possibility tha...