The original story
Sometime around 2013, a post appeared on Reddit's /r/nosleep by a user called /u/capnjammer80 called 'My Hometown Doesn't Exist." He described finding out one day that the town he had grown up in, Ransom, Virginia, didn't exist, and leaving his normal life and job as though compelled to go investigate. The story stayed on the front page of NoSleep for a while, and eventually became a series known as "The Ransom Saga." OP describes the terrifying supernatural experiences and visions he has on the road while driving there, and commenters begin offering advice and researching the story so far... ...oddly enough, most of the information they come up with corroborates OP's story, and they find the likely site of Ransom. Once OP arrives at the town, at different points he finds it abandoned and ruined, run down, and relatively new-looking and populated, but by people acting very odd. OP draws a map overlaying a Google Map of where the...