Contact with an old friend of the Wizard!
I'm sorry it's been a while since my last post. I don't really know how to get started trying to find a mythical figure, and I'm kind of landlocked right now. I want to get an RV as soon as possible and travel to the Sonoran desert, the last known location of the Wizard. However, I recently received an email from someone claiming to be an old friend of the Wizard, and his message not only pans out but also verifies a story that was just a rumor before. He refused to allow himself to be named, but as I've done before with names I feel need to be kept private, I will use the initial E.. He had been a missionary to China for many years and had just been expose to Reddit when he found the stories and recognized C-, the person I believe to be the Wizard.. E. claimed that when he was a junior in high school, he had a classmate that was constantly in trouble and seemed to be hated by the administration of his Accelerated Christian Education school. This would seem to...