
Showing posts from August, 2018

Full Ransom Saga Documentary Transcript

Of all the places on the internet people go to find scares,  Reddit is among the most widely frequented. There, among a host of other "creepy" subreddits, lies NoSleep, a forum devoted to telling creepy stories with the motto "It's all true, even if it's not." This has led to many series and alternate reality games in which commenters take an active role in how the stories unfold. One such series, memorialized on NoSleep's list of most fabled tales, was started sometime in 2013 by /u/capnjammer80, under the title "My Hometown Doesn't Exist." Like most NoSleep titles, this one sounded sensational, and the content was similar to a million other similar stories: a man discovers that the town he grew up in not only doesn't exist, but possibly never has, as there is absolutely no evidence for it and nobody he talks to from the area, including commenters to the story, had ever heard of it. This was the town of Ransom, Virginia. As ...